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The Command Key (), sometimes referred to as a "feature key", is the Mac equivalent of a Control key (and so labeled on some early ADB keyboards). It has also been described as "flower", "pretzel", "clover", "propeller", "beanie" (from propeller beanie), and "splat". Macs also have an "Option" modifier key, equivalent to the Alt key on PCs.[1]


The cloverleaf-like symbol's oldest name is "cross of St. Hannes", but it occurs in pre-Christian Viking art as a decorative motif. In Scandinavia, the symbol is used to mark sites of historical interest. An early Macintosh developer who happened to be Swedish introduced it to Apple. Documentation from Apple refers to the symbol as "interesting feature".[1][2] The Swedish name of this symbol stands for the word "sev"ardhet" (interesting feature), many of which are old churches. Some Swedes report as an idiom for it the word "kyrka", cognate to English "church" and Scots-dialect "kirk" but pronounced /shir'k*/ in modern Swedish. Others say this is nonsense.[1]

A ⌘-labelled command key first appeared in January 1984 on the Model M0110 keyboard that was included with the Macintosh 128K.[3] It replaced the functionality of the Apple logo () keys of the preceding Apple III ("open" Apple key only) and Lisa computer systems.[4][5]

The ⌘ symbol is represented by a Unicode character called "PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN" (U+2318), previously known as "Command key".[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Feature key at the Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing. 2005-09-15.
  2. Swedish Campground by Andy Hertzfeld, Folklore. 1983-08.
  3. Apple M0110, Deskthority Wiki. Accessed 2023-01-30.
  4. Apple III keyboard by snuci, Deskthority. Accessed 2017-09-15.
  5. Apple Lisa Keyboard by snuci, Deskthority. Accessed 2015-11-17.
  6. Unicode Character 'PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN' (U+2318), FileFormat.Info. Accessed 2021-08-25.

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