February 1 is the 32nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days remaining (334 in leap years).
What happened on this day[]
- 1980 - Ann Bowers joins Apple Computer as employee #1111 and becomes its first VP of human resources.
- 1984 - Dell is founded in Michael Dell's college dorm room in Austin.
- 1993 - The Macintosh Performa 250 is released internationally outside of the United States.
- 1994 - The Macintosh Performa 575 is released. The Macintosh Performa 450 and 460 are discontinued.
- 1996 - The Macintosh Performa 580CD and 5200CD are discontinued.
- 1997 - The Macintosh Performa 5260CD, 5400CD, PowerBook Duo 2300c, Duo Dock Plus, and Duo Floppy Adapter are discontinued.
- 2004 - Apple Computer and Pepsi collaborate to announce a giveaway of 100 million free songs though iTunes in a commercial that is aired during Super Bowl XXXVIII.
- 2010 - Original Macintosh development team member Brian Howard passes away due to cancer.
- 2012 - Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) is released.
- 2014 - SheepShaver emulation software version 2.4 is released.
- 2015 - The Apple App Store requires all new apps to have 64-bit support through the iOS 8 SDK.
- 2021 - macOS 11.2 (Big Sur) is released.
External links[]
- February 1 at Wikipedia