February 14 is the 45th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 320 days remaining (321 in leap years).
What happened on this day[]
- 1946 - The adoptive parents of Steve Jobs, Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Hagopian, are married.
- 1983 - Marketing executive Mimi Filizetti joins Apple Computer as employee #4115.
- 1994 - The Macintosh LC III+ is discontinued.
- 1996 - The Macintosh Performa 6310CD is released in Asia and Europe.
- 2005 - YouTube is founded.
- 2006 - Mac OS X 10.4.5 is released.
- 2015 - The Apple Oakridge retail store is moved to a larger space in the Westfield Oakridge mall in San Jose.
- 2020 - Loud House: Outta Control is released as an exclusive through Apple Arcade.
- 2022 - macOS 11.6.4 is released.
- 2023 - Down in Bermuda, Jenny LeClue - Detectivu, and Roundguard are removed from Apple Arcade.
External links[]
- February 14 at Wikipedia