January 20 is the 20th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 345 days remaining (346 in leap years).
What happened on this day[]
- 1977 - 39th U.S. president Jimmy Carter is inaugurated.
- 1981 - 40th U.S. president Ronald Reagan is inaugurated.
- 1985 - The controversial "Lemmings" Apple Computer commercial announcing the Macintosh Office is aired during Super Bowl XIX.
- 1989 - 41st U.S. president George H. W. Bush is inaugurated.
- 1993 - 42nd U.S. president Bill Clinton is inaugurated.
- 2001 - 43rd U.S. president George W. Bush is inaugurated.
- 2009 - 44th U.S. president Barack Obama is inaugurated.
- 2016 - Crashlands is released for iOS.
- 2017 - 45th U.S. president Donald Trump is inaugurated.
- 2020 - iOS 13.3.1 and iPadOS 13.3.1 are released.
- 2021 - 46th U.S. president Joe Biden is inaugurated.
- 2023 - Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! is released through Apple Arcade.
- 2024 - The Apple Hongdae retail store is opened in South Korea. The Apple Infinite Loop and Royal Hawaiian retail stores in the United States are closed permanently.
External links[]
- January 20 at Wikipedia