January 30 is the 30th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 335 days remaining (336 in leap years).
What happened on this day[]
- 1925 - Douglas Engelbart, the future inventor of the first graphical user interface and computer mouse, is born in Portland, Oregon.
- 1978 - Early Apple employee Chris Espinosa sketches Apple Computer's second workplace.
- 1984 - Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs presents the Macintosh during the keynote event of the Boston Computer Society.
- 1995 - The Newton MessagePad 120 is released in the United States. Newton OS 1.3 is released for MessagePad 100 and 110 users.
- 2007 - The 2nd-generation iPod shuffle line is refreshed in 5 colors with 3rd-generation Apple earbuds. A demo version of Vortex is released for iPod users.
External links[]
- January 30 at Wikipedia